MS Dhoni, the ex-skipper of Chennai Super Kings (CSK), endeared himself to fans through a heartwarming act. Recently, he had a delightful encounter with a fan who crafted a portrait in his honour. Dhoni graciously signed the artwork, embodying his genuine spirit. Clad in his Super Kings jersey, the veteran engaged with the enthusiastic young admirer at the team hotel in Ahmedabad.
MS Dhoni’s heartfelt gesture
The footage of this event has been extensively shared across various social media platforms. Dhoni’s admirers, eagerly anticipating the CSK star’s appearance at the crease, form a substantial fanbase. The 42-year-old appeared delighted as he signed the portrait, showing his appreciation for the fan’s rendition of his image. The artist appeared both nervous and excited as they presented Dhoni with their portrait.
Here is the video:
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Dhoni’s loving connection with fans
Dhoni has continuously nurtured his bond with his supporters, graciously acknowledging their affection and backing. Recently, he pleasantly surprised a 103-year-old supporter of the CSK franchise with a personally signed jersey. The Ranchi lad consistently sets aside time to express gratitude for the unwavering devotion he receives from fans. A mere acknowledgement from Dhoni, a simple wave amidst the throng of supporters, is enough to brighten their day as they eagerly wait for hours just to catch a glimpse of their beloved icon.
Throughout this season, MSD showcased exceptional batting prowess, amassing a total of 110 runs with a blistering strike rate of 225, which included 10 boundaries and 9 towering sixes. The atmosphere electrifies whenever the CSK stalwart steps onto the pitch, regardless of the venue across India. Revered as one of cricket’s finest closers, Dhoni’s role this season with CSK has been somewhat constrained, primarily focusing on late-inning appearances to deliver potent, match-altering performances with the bat.