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Malaysia vs Hong Kong, Match 6
MAL: *38/4 (8.4 Ovs)
HKG: 0/0 (0.0 Ovs)
Malaysia elected to bat
Indian Royals vs Asian Stars, Match 10
IR: 168/4 (20 Ovs)
ANS: 159/3 (20 Ovs)
Indian Royals won by 9 runs.
Sri Lankan Lions vs Bangladesh Tigers, Match 9
SLL: 0/0 (0.0 Ovs)
BDT: 0/0 (0.0 Ovs)
Match abandoned
Fakhr-E-Kashmir vs Thunder Cats, Match 22
FEK: 91/3 (7.4 Ovs)
THN: 90/4 (10 Ovs)
Fakhr-E-Kashmir won by 7 wickets
Tally Rangers vs MEC Study Group, Match 21
TCC: 128/3 (10 Ovs)
MEC: 108/8 (10 Ovs)
Tally Rangers won by 20 runs.
CECC-A vs YSSC, Match 20
CEC-A: 97/6 (10 Ovs)
YSS: 84/6 (10 Ovs)
CECC-A won by 13 runs.
KCA Lions vs KCA Royals, Match 20
LIO: 184/6 (19.4 Ovs)
ROY: 179/6 (20 Ovs)
KCA Lions won by 4 wickets